With thousands of global recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, AtoZ World Food brings international cuisines to you, from Albanian byrek to Zimbabwean matemba!

Small Engine Repair
Reference Center
Provides users with detailed, yet user-friendly repair guides for all manner of small engines.

This is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full-text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics. Additional full-text, non-journal content includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analyses.

Consumer Health Complete™ (CHC) is the single most comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content. It is designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.

Free DMV permit practice tests. The site includes 6 practice tests, a Fines & Limits test, Road Signs and Situations, a Colorado driver’s license FAQ, and the online Colorado Driver’s handbook.

The Educator’s Edition of Explora highlights content relevant to teachers, including lesson plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources.

Designed to meet the unique needs of its users, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.

Designed to meet the unique needs of its users, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.

Designed to meet the unique needs of its users, Explora supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.

Educate Station content is created by a team of experienced and passionate educators from across the United States. Our educators bring vast subject-matter expertise, teaching credentials, and many years of experience as classroom teachers and curriculum developers. Through the content we create, we aim to provide ready-to-use, hands-on activities for kids to do at home or at school.

The world’s most comprehensive full text history reference database designed for secondary schools, public libraries, junior/community colleges and undergraduate research.

Genealogy, also known as Family History, is an exciting hobby enjoyed by millions of people worldwide. At MyHeritage.com, the goal is to provide you the best tools for genealogy and family history research – whether you are an experienced genealogist or a beginner who wants to see what genealogy is all about.

Readers’ advisery service, not only provides access to information on 155,000 fiction titles, but it also offers a wide range of feature content that will expand your staff’s ability to serve fiction readers of all ages and increase the reach of your library’s program including author read-alikes, book discussion guides, reading lists and more.

It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests. Parents, teachers, and librarians can find tools to teach and engage.

Science Reference Center is a comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full-text science-oriented content. Designed to meet every student’s science research needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.

Learn English FREE and Prepare to Become a U.S. Citizen with, USA Learns! Beginning and intermediate English, Video lessons and 1000s of activities English speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing and grammar New U.S. Citizenship course!

Environment Complete, GreenFILE
Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.

Library, Information Science & Tech. Abstracts (LISTA)
EBSCO Publishing is proud to provide the Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) database as a free resource to anyone interested in libraries and information management. This world-class bibliographic database provides coverage on subjects such as librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, and online information retrieval.

Contains nearly 1,750 periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. Also find nearly 500 full text reference books and biographies. Also use this resource to access Consumer Reports online for free.

Selected full text from national and regional US newspapers including the Denver Post, Greeley Tribune and Pueblo Chieftain, and transcripts from TV and radio news.

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Covering topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, and observational and experimental methods.

Covering the latest concepts, theories and methods from both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences, this full-text database includes the most important English-language social science journals.
Colorado Statewide Resources:

A incredibly helpful resource for navigating a wide variety of legal issues in the state of Colorado!

A virtual tool that aims to educate about the Colorado court system through virtual reality.

Includes information about the courts, administration, judges and employment as well as a self help center with forms and fees.

For low-income individuals and families who are seeking legal assistance and Colorado legal advocates.

The Northwest Intertribal Court System has launched a powerful online database providing attorneys and the public free access to hundreds of tribal court appellate opinions from 30 Indian tribes in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and Northern California.

Providing a forum for the enforcement of Tribal law and the administration of justice in disputes affecting the interests of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe or its members.

The Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection (CHNC) currently includes more than 1 million digitized pages, representing 220+ individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 to 1923.

This collection has an electronic copy of every edition of the Southern Ute Drum newspaper from January 2009 to the present day.