Click to access: ICL’s Online Catalog.
The Ignacio Library belongs to a consortium of over 100 libraries in the state of Colorado that all freely share materials with one another, called “Aspencat”.
If you would like to place a hold on something from another library that we do not have, please go to our online catalog with the link above and log-in with your library card number (24336000XXXXXX) and password (which is your last name in all lower case letters.) Once you have looked up the specific material(s) you would like to request click the dark purple “Place a Hold” button on the left side of the screen and confirm that you would like to pick it up at the Ignacio Library.
*Normally materials take at least one week to arrive at our library once they have been requested, after which we will give you a call that it has arrived. (You can also sign up to receive email notifications at any time.) After we have made an attempt to notify you about your material(s) we will hold items for exactly 9 business days. Any items that have not been picked up in 9 business days will be sent back to their home libraries.