March 31, 2021

Culture Through Cooking: Virtual Program

Culture Through Cooking: Virtual Program

6:00 pm 7:00 pm
March 31, 2021

The ICL is partnering with Pine River Library, Durango Public Library, and the Southwest La Plata Library District to bring you the following virtual program:

Don’t let the pandemic damper your sense of adventure! Join in this culinary cook-along to discover an exciting new twist of flavor combinations, using spices commonly found in the pantry. Close your eyes, smell the aromas, and listen to the music. In this one hour interactive program from 6 pm - 7pm on Wed, March 31st, you’ll almost think you’ve traveled around the world to Northern Africa, where warming spices add a uniquely delicious flavor to your meal. Bring the family along and learn about the food and culture of a land far away!

This virtual Zoom program will be hosted by Nicole Clark, R.D, La Plata County CSU Extension Family and Consumer Science Agent.

Email for login information.

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